2018年10月4日 星期四

Victory Fate Data on the Election Day 於選舉日勝選之命運資料

Victory Fate Data on the Election Day 於選舉日勝選之命運資料

As the attached Photo shown the Victory Fate Data (G N T98) of one female candidate to be elected on the Election Day 20141129 for a local area election in Taipei Taiwan

如照片中所顯示一位在台灣臺北市20141129 (20141129) 的地方區域選舉日獲得勝選的女性候選人之選舉日當天勝選命運資料 (G N T98)

Active Fortunes 活躍財祿:

Job Promotion/Earnings via Government/Organization/Hospital

Total Fortune Scores obtained on this Day =  T98
The Best Day 特佳日

T Total Fortune Scores are over 80 (the Best Day)
T 財運總分數大於80 (特佳日)

G F F2 The Good/Fortune Day for the Help from Heaven
G F F2 天助吉日/天助幸運日

N The Fortune Delivery Angel Day
The God of Wealth helps you to deliver your own personal destined Fortune to be yours
N 運財天使日

Or Just 或只是

V The Victory Day for Elections
V 選舉勝利成功當選日

