2018年10月4日 星期四

The God of Wealth helps you to deliver your own personal destined Fortune to be yours 財神爺幫忙搬運您自己私人命中注定的財 富入財日 Win the Winning Prize of the Governmental Unified Invoice Number in Taiwan 在台灣贏取政府的統一發票號碼中獎獎金

Win the Winning Prize of the Governmental Unified Invoice Number in Taiwan

G      The Good Day for the Help from Heaven

 F      The Fortune Day for the Help from Heaven

  F2      The Fortune Day for the Help from Heaven

N    The Fortune Delivery Angel Day

The God of Wealth helps you to deliver your own personal destined Fortune to be yours


G  天助吉日

F  天助幸運日

F2  天助幸運日

N  運財天使日


