2018年10月15日 星期一

The Fate of Country or Nation or Corporation or Organization or Association and so on equals the Fate of its human President or Leader or Owner or Director or Chairman or Chairwoman 國家或公司或機構或團體或社團或組織或協會等的命運等於其人類總統或領導人或所有者或董事長或主席的命運

The Fate of Country or Nation or Corporation or Organization or Association and so on equals the Fate of its human President or Leader or Owner or Director or Chairman or Chairwoman


The Death of Nazi Germany equals the Death of its human Leader Adolf Hitler


The Death of Ming Dynasty China equals the Death of its last human Emperor Chongzhen


The Fate of the Attack on Pearl Harbor of United States on December 7,1941 equals the Fate of its human President Franklin D. Roosevelt (born January 30,1882) on the same day


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day - December 7, 1941 of Franklin D. Roosevelt (born January 30, 1882) and U.S.]


Event Subject/Object 事件主題/對象:   (Remark 1 備註一)

Love/Marriage/Couple 愛情/婚姻/夫妻
Career/Job/Earnings 事業/職業/賺的錢
Career/Job/Earnings 事業/職業/賺的錢
Love/Marriage/Couple 愛情/婚姻/夫妻

Happiness/Hardship 幸福/閒暇/辛苦
Place Move/Far Away 移位/遠離/出門
Money/Foods/Income 金錢/食物/收入
Self/Birth Place 自己/出生地/住所

Event Direction 事件方位:  (Remark 2 備註二)

NorthWest to West 西北向西方
SouthEast to East 東南向東方
NorthEast to East 東北向東方
South 南方

Active Fortunes 活躍財祿:

Easy/Annoying Income/Earnings via Problem solved/Competition
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Active Misfortunes 活躍不吉不利:

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

1941/12/07 (1882/01/30/#.. BiHour …………/1 Male 男性) 
( T 0 )( S 0 )  (Remark 3 備註三)
#01Δ 0 M
#02Δ 0 M 
#03   0 $4 M 
#04   0 $5 M 
#05Δ 0 M     (Remark 4 備註四)
#06   0 $2 $4 $5 M 
#07   0 M 
#08Δ 0 M     (Remark 5 備註五)
#09Δ 0 $4 M 
#10   0 M 
#11Δ 0 M 
#12Δ 0 $2 $4 $5 M 

Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time

(Remark 1 備註一)
Place Move/Far Away means from the Far Away Japan
Happiness/Hardship means Event of Hard War
Career/Job means Career/Job of War

移位/遠離/出門 代表從遠方日本而來
幸福/閒暇/辛苦 代表辛苦戰爭事件
事業/職業 代表戰爭事業/職業

(Remark 2 備註二)
NorthWest to West means from Japan Direction
西北向西方 代表從日本方位而來

(Remark 3 備註三)
( T 0 ) is not a good Day! The Total Fortune Score is Zero!
( T 0 ) 不是好日子! 財運總分數是零!

(Remark 4 備註四)  Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time
#05 Bi-Hour AM 07:00–AM 09:00 (Morning 早上)
The Attack started at 07:48 a.m. (Morning 早上)
襲擊開始於早上07:48 a.m.

(Remark 5 備註五)  Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time
#08 Bi-Hour PM 13:00–PM 15:00 (Afternoon 下午)
The Attack was retreated at 13:30 p.m. (Afternoon 下午)
襲擊撤退於下午13:30 p.m.

The Fate of the September 11 Attacks in New York City of United States on September 11,2001 equals the Fate of its human President George W. Bush (born July 6,1946) on the same day


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day - September 11, 2001 of George W. Bush (born July 6, 1946) and U.S.]


Event Subject/Object 事件主題/對象:  (Remark 1 備註一)

Place Move/Far Away 移位/遠離/出門
Self/Birth Place 自己/出生地/住所
Body/Health/Illness 身體/健康/疾病
(Grand)Parent/Elder ()父母/長輩

Love/Marriage/Couple 愛情/婚姻/夫妻
Happiness/Hardship 幸福/閒暇/辛苦
Brother/Sister (/)兄弟/姊妹
Home/House/Land //土地/不動產

Event Direction 事件方位:  (Remark 2 備註二)

South 南方
North 北方
NorthWest to West 西北向西方
NorthEast to East 東北向東方

Active Fortunes 活躍財祿:

Regular Income/Income by Female or Night
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Progressive/Military/Political/Financial/Technical Earnings
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Better Performance or Reputation/Income by Male or Day
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Active Misfortunes 活躍不吉不利:  (Remark 3 備註三)

Unfavorable Situation against the Government, Organization, School/Hospitalization/Criminal Charge and Administrative Disputes/Prison/Law Violation and Fine/Penalty/Car Accident/Easy Gamble Loss/Detention/Money Loss of Illicit Love/Prisoner/Rebellion/Debauchery
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 100

Unfavorable Quarrel, Dispute and Defamation/Annoying Affections/Unfavorable Situation for Parent/Social Intercourse and Money Conflict/Law Suit for Money/Trouble/Nosy/Ill Speeking/Offending People
Misfortune Score
不吉不利分數: 100

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

2001/09/11 (1946/07/06/#.. BiHour …………/1 Male 男性) 
( T 322 )( S 100 ) D   P   N   C2   I2 I3   (Remark 4 備註四)
#01   100 
#02Δ 100 * M 
#03   100 $1 $4 M 
#04Δ 200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M   (Remark 5 備註五)
#05   100 
#06   100 $4 * M 
#07   200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 M 
#08Δ 200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M 
#09   0 --- Negative Time 負向時間 $1 $4 M 
#10Δ 200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M 
#11   100 M 
#12Δ 100 $4 * M 

Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time

(Remark 1 備註一)
Place Move/Far Away means from the Far Away Enemy
Happiness/Hardship means Event of Hard War
Body/Health/Illness means Death, Injuries and Health Issues
Home/House/Land means World Trade Center and Pentagon

移位/遠離/出門 代表從遠方來的敵人
幸福/閒暇/辛苦 代表辛苦戰爭事件
身體/健康/疾病 代表死傷及健康問題
//土地/不動產 代表世貿中心與五角大廈

(Remark 2 備註二)
NorthEast to East means from the Logan International Airport Boston Direction
東北向東方 代表從波士頓羅根國際機場方位而來

(Remark 3 備註三)
Events of Unfavorable Situation against the Government /Hospitalization/Criminal Charge/Prison/Car Accident/Rebellion/Trouble

(Remark 4 備註四)
D means the Life Dangerous Day

(Remark 5 備註五)  Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time
#04 Bi-Hour AM 05:00–AM 07:00 (Dawn 黎明破曉)
The Hijackers arrived at Logan Airport Boston and started the attack plan at 05:59 a.m. (Dawn 黎明破曉), two hours before the American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767 aircraft) departed Logan Airport Boston at 7:59 a.m.
劫機者美國航空11號班機   (一架波音767客機) 在黎明破曉7:59 a.m.飛離波士頓羅根國際機場前2小時之 05:59 a.m. (Dawn 黎明破曉) 抵達波士頓羅根國際機場開始襲擊計劃,

The Fate of the third largest daily point Gains of Dow Jones Index of United States on March 26,2018 equals the Fate of its human President Donald Trump (born June 14,1946) on the same day


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day - March 26,2018 of Donald Trump (born June 14,1946) and U.S.]


Event Subject/Object 事件主題/對象:  (Remark 1 備註一)

Self/Birth Place 自己/出生地/住所
Place Move/Far Away 移位/遠離/出門
Home/House/Land //土地/不動產
Children/Adult Sex 子女/成年人性事

Career/Job/Earnings 事業/職業/賺的錢
Money/Foods/Income 金錢/食物/收入
Body/Health/Illness 身體/健康/疾病
Brother/Sister (/)兄弟/姊妹

Event Direction 事件方位:

North 北方
South 南方
SouthEast to East 東南向東方
SouthWest to West 西南向西方

Active Fortunes 活躍財祿:  (Remark 2 備註二)

Job Promotion/Earnings via Government/Organization/Hospital
Fortune Score 財富分數: 30

Fortune of Wisdom/In and Out Flowing Fortune
Fortune Score 財富分數: 170

Regular Income/Income by Female or Night
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Better Performance or Reputation/Income by Male or Day
Fortune Score 財富分數: 50

Active Misfortunes 活躍不吉不利:

Unfavorable Situation for Father, Husband, Son, Male Relatives and Career/Hard Working/Hardship/Quarrel/Eye Fatigue or Pain/Bad Mood/Depressed Annoyance
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 30

Unfavorable Situation for Mother, Wife, Daughter, and Female Relatives/Loss of Fortune/Unknown Loss/Difficulty to Tell in Mind/Misery/Worry of House/No Wealth/Unstable Fortune and Unknown Loss of Money
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 170

Unfavorable Situation against the Government, Organization, School/Hospitalization/Criminal Charge and Administrative Disputes/Prison/Law Violation and Fine/Penalty/Car Accident/Easy Gamble Loss/Detention/Money Loss of Illicit Love/Prisoner/Rebellion/Debauchery
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 50

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

2018/03/26 (1946/06/14/#.. BiHour …………/1 Male 男性) 
( T 299.6 )( S 100 )   R V P   G N   B C C2   I I2   (Remark 3 備註三)
#01   200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $5 M 
#02   100 M 
#03   100 $4 $5 M 
#04Δ 100 M 
#05   10 --- Negative Time 負向時間 M 
#06Δ 100 $3 $4 M   (Remark 4 備註四)
#07   200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 
#08Δ 100 M 
#09   190 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $4 M 
#10Δ 200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $1 M 
#11   70 --- Negative Time 負向時間 
#12Δ 160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $1 $3 $4 M 

Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time

(Remark 1 備註一)
Place Move/Far Away means Outdoor Martket
Career/Job/Earnings means Capital Market
Money/Foods/Income means Stock Market
移位/遠離/出門 代表戶外市場
事業/職業/賺的錢 代表資本市場
金錢/食物/收入 代表股票市場

(Remark 2 備註二)
Earnings via Organization/Fortune of Wisdom/In and Out Flowing Fortune/Better Performance/Income by Day

(Remark 3 備註三)
( T 299.6 ) is the Best Day! The Total Fortune Score is Over 80!
( T 299.6 ) 最佳! 財運總分數是大於80!
G  The Good Day for the Help from Heaven
N  The Fortune Delivery Angel Day
The God of Wealth helps you to deliver your own personal destined Fortune to be yours
G  天助吉日
N  運財天使日

(Remark 4 備註四)  Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time
#06 Bi-Hour AM 09:00–AM 11:00 (Morning 早上)
The third largest daily point Gains of Dow Jones Index started at 09:00 a.m. (Morning 早上)
美國道瓊工業平均指數第三高單日上漲點數開始於早上09:00 a.m.

The Fate of the third largest daily point Losses of Dow Jones Index of United States on October 10,2018 equals the Fate of its human President Donald Trump (born June 14,1946) on the same day


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day - October 10,2018 of Donald Trump (born June 14,1946) and U.S.]


Event Subject/Object 事件主題/對象:  (Remark 1 備註一)

Brother/Sister (/)兄弟/姊妹
Friend/Society/Mutuality 朋友/交往/互助
Love/Marriage/Couple 愛情/婚姻/夫妻
Career/Job/Earnings 事業/職業/賺的錢

Home/House/Land //土地/不動產
Body/Health/Illness 身體/健康/疾病
Happiness/Hardship 幸福/閒暇/辛苦
Place Move/Far Away 移位/遠離/出門

Event Direction 事件方位:

NorthWest to North 西北向北方
SouthEast to South 東南向南方
East 東方
SouthWest to South 西南向南方

Active Fortunes 活躍財祿:

Fortune of Wisdom/In and Out Flowing Fortune
Fortune Score 財富分數: 100

Guest-Meals/Foods/Earnings by Sales/Speech/Service/Side Job
Fortune Score 財富分數: 40

Easy/Annoying Income/Earnings via Problem solved/Competition
Fortune Score 財富分數: 160

Active Misfortunes 活躍不吉不利:  (Remark 2 備註二)

Unfavorable Brain Thought/Hard Thinking/Unfavorable Situation for Hands, Feet and Nerve/Sensitive Manner/Sheer Dead-End-Alley Stubbornness/Change/Headache/Hard Brain Work/To Bungle an Ingenious Scheme into Trouble/Lack of Wisdom/Paralysis/Money Rolling In and Out
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 100

Unfavorable Documentation or Governmental Paper on Penalty of Fine/Unfavorable Situation for Documents/Home Moving/Change/No Reading/Unreasonable Manner/Disliking Ritual/Sullen Feeling/Sleepless and Restless Working/Being Easy to be Deceived/To Strictly Obey or Disobey the Regulations
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 40

Loss of Fortune/Lonely Time/Injury/Loss of Money/Expenditure/To Hold a Knife or a Gun for Money/Financial Troubles or Disputes/Loneliness/Stubbornness/Cheerless Mood/To Take Things too Hard
Misfortune Score 不吉不利分數: 160

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

2018/10/10 (1946/06/14/#.. BiHour …………/1 Male 男性) 
( T 0 )( S 140 ) D X    (Remark 3 備註三)
#01   190 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M 
#02   100 --- Negative Time 負向時間 $3 X M 
#03Δ 160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $4 X * M 
#04   160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 
#05Δ 140 * M 
#06Δ 40 --- Negative Time 負向時間 $3 $4 X M  (Remark 4 備註四)
#07Δ 140 X M 
#08Δ 80 --- Negative Time 負向時間 
#09   200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $4 X * M 
#10   140 $3 X M 
#11Δ 160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X M 
#12Δ 200 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $3 $4 X M 

Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time

(Remark 1 備註一)
Place Move/Far Away means Outdoor Martket
Career/Job/Earnings means Capital Market
Happiness/Hardship means Hard Losses of Stock Market
移位/遠離/出門 代表戶外市場
事業/職業/賺的錢 代表資本市場

(Remark 2 備註二)
Money Rolling In and Out/Unfavorable Situation for Documents(Stocks)/Change/Loss of Fortune/Loss of Money/Financial Troubles/Cheerless Mood/To Take Things too Hard

(Remark 3 備註三)
( T 0 ) is not a good Day! The Total Fortune Score is Zero!
D means the Life Dangerous Day
X  The Troublesome (Including Hospitalization or Penalty) or Money-Spending (Including Loss or Unfortunate Matter)
( T 0 ) 不是好日子! 財運總分數是零!
X  麻煩(含去醫院或罰單等)金錢花費支出(破財或不利)事件

(Remark 4 備註四)  Δ - 活躍的兩小時段 Active Bi-Hour Time
#06 Bi-Hour AM 09:00–AM 11:00 (Morning 早上)
The third largest daily point Losses of Dow Jones Index started at 09:00 a.m. (Morning 早上)
---  Negative Time means not a Good Bi-Hour Time
X  The Troublesome (Including Hospitalization or Penalty) or Money-Spending (Including Loss or Unfortunate Matter) Bi-Hour Time
美國道瓊工業平均指數第三高單日下跌點數開始於早上09:00 a.m.
--- 負向時間 代表不是一個好的兩小時段時間

