A001-Red Cosmetics on Screen of Golden Outlined Red Lotus by Zhang Daqian in 1940s 張大千1940年代作紅妝步障工筆鈎金紅荷花圖
A002-Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting by Zhang Daqian dated 1967 張大千1967年作五亭湖山居潑彩山水圖
A003-The Buddhist Sutra of the Heart of Prajna calligraphy handscroll by Yu Youren in 1953 于右任1953年作般若波羅蜜多心經行草書法手卷
A004-Rain over a Cold Pond splashed color and gold Golden Outlined Red Lotus by Zhang Daqian dated 1980 張大千1980年作寒塘過雨潑彩洒金鈎金紅荷花圖
A005-After the Rising and Warm Green Mountains by Huang Gongwang by Zhang Daqian dated 1947 張大千1947年作擬元代黃公望浮巒暖翠山水圖
A006-Splashed Color Golden Outlined Red Lotus on gold sheet by Zhang Daqian dated 1979 張大千1979年作金箋潑彩描金紅荷花圖
A007-Recalling the Beautiful Scenery of Mountain Huang in China by Zhang Daqian dated 1979 張大千1979年作遙思黃山故景潑彩山水圖
A008-A Bird’s-eye View on Taiwan Cross-Island Road near Herhuan by Zhang Daqian dated 1978 張大千1978年作台灣橫貫公路合歡山鳥瞰金碧潑彩山水圖
A009-Painting the Elder Bintourlu after Technique of Song Dynasty by Zhang Daqian dated 1946 張大千1946年作倣宋人畫賓頭盧尊者像
A010-One Flower in One World White Lotus by Zhang Daqian dated March 1978 張大千1978年3月作一花一世界白荷花圖
A011-The Ten Elder Men in the Legend of China by Qi Baishi dated 1949 齊白石1949年作十全老人神賢圖
A012-Lotus, Double Mandarin Ducks and Love Shrimps by Qi Baishi dated 1951 齊白石1951年作荷花蜻蜓鴛鴦雙蝦佳偶小魚蝌蚪成群多子多孫福滿堂圖
A013-People in Chinese Ancient Historical Poem of Six Dynasties by Xu Beihong dated 1940 徐悲鴻1940年作六朝人詩意圖
A014-Jiufang Gao, People in the Chinese Ancient Historical Poem by Xu Beihong dated 1940 徐悲鴻1940年作九方皋圖
A015-The People Live in Mali Village by Wu Guanzhong dated 1982 吳冠中1982年作馬里村頭人物風景圖
A016-Expressionistic Red Lotus by Wu Guanzhong dated 1990 吳冠中1990年作表現主義紅荷花圖
A017-The Landscape of River Li being Well-known Forever by Li Keran dated 1987 李可染1987年作漓江山水傳千古圖
A018-Court Ladies and the Vase by Lin Fengmian 林風眠作宮女與花瓶圖
A019-Five Naked Ladies by Lin Fengmian 林風眠作五裸女圖
A020-Colorful Birds, Flowers and Plants by Yan Bolong dated 1943 顏伯龍1943年作彩鳥與花草小樹圖
A021-Orchids Bamboos and Rocks by Zheng Banqiao dated 1764 鄭板橋1764年作蘭竹石圖
A022-The Sunshine reflects Misty Light of Mountain by Wang Hui in Qing Dynasty 清王翬作日映嵐光山水圖
B001-Abstract Landscape 抽象山水圖 Oil on canvas 油彩帆布 by A. Rong dated March 1975
B002-Abstract Seascape 抽象海景圖 Oil on canvas 油彩帆布 by A. Rong dated June 1978
B003-Mother and the love Oil on canvas by Giancarlo Pesci of Italy in December 2015
C001-A Wucai European Envoy presenting Tribute to the Sovereign Bottle Vase Tianqiuping Zhengtong Period Ming Dynasty 明正統五彩歐洲使節天朝進貢天球瓶
C002-An After Northern Song Ru Kiln Sky-blue glazed Porcelain Dinosaur-giant-egg-shaped Artifact Kangxi Period Qing Dynasty
C003-A Tang Lushan Kiln Copper-green glazed varicolored Pottery Chicken-head Jug Tang Dynasty 唐魯山窯銅綠釉窯變花釉陶胎乳丁紋弦紋雞首壺
C004-A Tang Sancai Pottery round Box with Cover Tang Dynasty 唐三彩具極細開片紋及帶蛤蜊光綠地八瓣寶相花紋圓蓋盒
C005-A Silver embellished Bronze carved Ritual Meat Vessel Dou shaped Di Si Ding and Nien Heng Zi Ding Shang dynasty 商周青銅錯銀豆形弟姒鼎及年亨子鼎
C006-A Bronze carved Sword of Emperor Wen with inscription Honorable Heritage from Mother Empress Western Han Dynasty 西漢文帝劉桓寶承妣皇銘文青銅傳承旨意帝王劍
C007-A Bronze carved Ritual Wine Vessel Ewer Livestock GONG Shang Dynasty 商朝特殊不銹有蓋青銅羊角怪獸頭饕餮紋龍虎魚鳥人蛇紋牺觥
C008-A Bronze Hunting Dog gilt with ancient Men Horses and Dogs on hunting painting of Eastern Zhou dynasty to Han dynasty
C009-A round and flat Tianhuang Stone Pebble with skin Carved Landscape and Figures Decorated Carving with Base 田黃凍帶皮扁圓卵石雕山水人物薄意擺件連座
C010-A White Jade Pig-and-Bird-Winged Dragon Winged Mythical Beast Hongshan Culture China 中國北方紅山文化時期古白玉雕豬鳥翼形龍
C011-A Carved Archaic White Jade Cavalrymen War Horses and Halberds of Middle Sizes Militarism Worship Cong Qin Dynasty 秦古白玉雕騎兵戰馬中戟紋崇武玉琮
C012-A Coincident Carved Archaic Khotan Russet Skin White Jade Sitting Double-humped Camel Han Dynasty 漢朝和闐黑棗皮古白玉巧雕坐姿雙峯駱駝
X001-A White Calcified Baby Dinosaur Fossil named-I have teeth-at somewhere on Earth 地球某處小恐龍化石
X002-A Space Meteorite with a burnt through hole at the wall of cave 1057 grams 具燒穿洞之太空隕石
X003-An Archaic green Jade carved Guanyin Figure 高古碧玉雕觀音菩薩坐像
X004-A Green Purple Red Three-Colored Jadeite carved Auspicious Bat Longevity Fungus Buddhist Hand Qing Dynasty 297 grams
X005-An Archaic Jade carved Fish Wine Cup 高古玉雕魚形酒杯
X006-A Green Jade Rock carved Underground Terracotta Army 碧玉石塊雕兵馬俑
X007-An Archaic Mutton Fat White Jade carved Dragon Pendant 高古羊脂白玉雕龍形珮
X008-A Yongzheng Enameled Eggshell Porcelain Vase with Western Family and a Villa Garden Design 清朝雍正瓷胎琺瑯彩西方家庭花園薄胎蛋殼瓶
X009-A Qianlong Enameled Porcelain Vase with Flowers and Birds Peacock and Peahen Design 清朝乾隆瓷胎琺瑯彩花鳥孔雀紋瓶
X010-A Kangxi Famille Verte (Wucai) Porcelain Vase with Dragon and Phoenix Design 清朝康熙瓷胎五彩龍鳳紋瓶
X011-A Dinosaur Fossil 恐龍化石
X012-A Stone Carving 石雕品
X013-A Stone Carving 石雕品
X014-A Stone Carving 石雕品
Y001-Beauty in Red Hair-kerchief,Wooden Shoes,White Robe, Bamboos Painting by Zhang Daqian dated 1980 張大千1980年作脩竹紅髮巾木屐白袍裸肩日本美女圖
Y002-Autumn Twilight in a Forest Painting by LIN FENGMIAN inscribed by CHENG SHIFA 林風眠作程十髮題引首秋艷風景圖
Y003-The Children and Father Sitting on the Back of Camels Painting by Huang Zhou 黃冑作駱駝背上的小學生與父親圖
Y004-Landscape Painting by Feng Chaoran 馮超然作山水圖
Y005-The Heavenly Place in Mankind World by Zhang Daqian dated 1982 張大千1982年作人家在仙堂潑彩山水圖
Y006-Mountain Emei May Be Crossed On Top by Zhang Daqian dated 1971 張大千1971年作可以橫絕峨嵋巔潑彩山水圖
Y007-The Dreamland of Mountain Qingcheng in Heavenly Place by Zhang Daqian dated 1981 張大千1981年作夢入靑城天下幽人間仙境潑彩山水圖
Y008-Splashed Color Landscape Painting of Fuchun Mountain by Zhang Daqian dated 1978 張大千1978年作富春山居潑彩山水圖
Y009-Splashed Color Landscape Painting of Beautiful Mountain Qingcheng by Zhang Daqian dated 1973 張大千1973年作青城天下幽潑彩山水圖
Y010-One Hundred Children by Chinese handmade Silk Embroidery Xiangxiu Qing Dynasty China 中國清朝手工湘繡百子圖
Y011-Water Village at Southern China by Wu Guanzhong 吳冠中作江南水村
Y012-Y026 One of the Ten Beloved Horses of Emperor Qianlong Qing Dynasty 清朝乾隆皇帝心愛十駿馬之一